Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Power Of Intentions

The Power Of Intentions
(Written by: Bud Hennekes)

I must admit, this is a rather spontaneous post which came to me while I was reading the first chapter of The Sedona Method. I'm usually one who puts off exercises when I read them in books, but tonight I had the urge to follow through.

The exercise asked to state your intentions. I thought it would be beneficial if I posted my unedited journal online for everyone to see. Much of what I wrote is very personal but to be honest, I have nothing to hide. If anything posting my intentions will drive me more.

The following is my unedited journal on my intentions:

· I intend to improve my relationships with my friends and family especially my brother.

· I intend to create meaningful and authentic relationships with those in tune with the frequency that I require at the current time.

· I intend to have one of the most popular personal development blogs in the world where I help hundreds of thousands learn the possibilities of this boundless world.

· I intend to develop my ability to live in the now and thus increase my contentment with the life I have at this current moment.

· I intend to have a body that is congruent with how a healthy and stressless body should be.

· I intend, over the course of the next year, to not only absorb knowledge but more importantly implement it in into my daily life.

· I intend to help all those who are in need of my support.

· I intend to remain judge free and instead look at the wonderful qualities each human possess.

· I intend to develop my problem solving abilities by looking at problems from a different angle.

· I intend to sincerely contribute to humanity while sticking true to my values.

· I intend to make an abundant living through passive income.

· I intend to make a name for myself through providing value in guest posts.

· I intend to make make connections that will not only help me but the others involved.

· I intend to increase my awareness of the negative feelings that sometimes arise and make a conscious effort to release them.

· I intend in crafting a flexible daily routine congruent with my values and goals which will enable me to have the energy I need to be at my best.

· I intend to be driven but also content with the things I have here and now.

· I intend to improve myself through experience as well as reading and talking with other positive individuals.

· I intend to view people not from a beneficial point of view but rather a mindset of love.

· I intend to make mistakes and do my best to learn from them.

· I intend to not sacrifice my values in order to fit in but rather connect with individuals who will bring the best out in me.

· I intend to make my college experience a valuable one and continue to take strides to living a jobless lifestyle despite resistance from those who do not understand.

· I intend to continue to provide value to my blog readers by talking about not only my successes but my failures as well.

· I intend to follow my dreams no matter what lies on the road ahead.

· I intend to do everything I can to make the world a better place. Cliche I know.

· I intend to connect with people in the most authentic way possible.

· I intend to learn many new hobbies and facts in hopes of expanding my horizons as a human being.

· I intend to experiment with various personal growth methods especially the ones that seem foreign to me.

· I intend to make a full income from my blog/writing and personal speaking.

· I intend to connect with the source as much as possible and express gratitude each and ever day.

· I intend to lead not only by words but my example as well. I intend to be rather then try to be.

· I intend be honest rather than superficial.

· I intend to always keep my head up even when the dark clouds continue to pass overhead.

· I intend to live for a purpose larger than myself and contribute in a way I never thought possible.

· But most importantly I intend to connect with the source of oneness and love.

The Power of Intentions
Although I have been doing journals for several years, I found tonight's journal to be especially inspiring. I think this is largely due to the fact I let my shields down and just wrote.

While I have held many intentions in my head for quite sometime, it felt great to write them down. It was shocking at how fast my thoughts manifested. At the time of this writing I feel wonderful and I have to credit that to my intentions journal.

It will be interesting to see the effect my journal has on the upcoming weeks and month. Perhaps many of my intentions will one day manifest. I couldn't be more excited.

What do you want in your life?

Take some time to journal your intentions.

Not later - Now.

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